Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Have to start somewhere

It took me a year (and a couple of months) to really think about whether or not it made sense to do something like this. Since I'm currently unemployed in the secular world (for the past 2 months) I figured that now was as good a time as any to start someplace.

What will I talk about? Will this be more for me than anyone else? Only the Holy Spirit knows for sure right now. All I know is that there a lot of things happening in the world and I'd like to provide a perspective on things.

The intent is of course to be very Catholic. After all I'm a Catholic Deacon serving His Church. It might make sense for me to publish my homilies when I give them, or even take the time to provide thoughts on the readings even if I'm not sharing them with the parish on Sundays. Since I've had requests from people for me to send my homilies, this would be an easier way for me to get them out.

Where do we go from here? What will I talk about first? Will there be anything profound here? That one is easy since just two weeks ago our son and daughter-in-law were blessed with a new baby. Our second grandchild, a little girl. "Deacon Grandpa" will have the blessing of baptizing her on the feast of St. Nicholas, Dec 6.

Now I've baptized over 80 children over the past year so you would think I'd not be nervous about the whole thing. Perhaps nervous isn't the word...I just don't want to cry through the whole thing! Just the thought of saying "My Dear granddaughter, Zelie Marie, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" send more than just a few chills up and down my spine and the eyes to mist up, just a little.

Once it is all over, I'll take a few moments to reflect on the day.
In Christ,
Deacon Tom

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